The efficacy of soybean extract

Introduction to Soybean Extract

Soybean extract is one form of plant-based compounds. Its molecular weight and structure are similar to human female hormones, so it is also called phytoestrogens. For those with high female hormones, it has the effect of reducing harm; for those with insufficient female hormones, it can also supplement to alleviate the phenomenon of insufficient female hormones. According to clinical studies, soybean extract has multiple health benefits, including improving menopausal symptoms, improving menopausal osteoporosis, reducing cardiovascular disease, and antioxidant functions.

Difference Between Soy Extract and Soy Isoflavones

Soybean extract comes from 100% pure natural soybean extract, which is safe and effective, and has no side effects on the human body. Soybean extract is one of the forms of plant compounds. Its molecular weight and structure are similar to human female hormones, so it is also called phytoestrogens.

Soy isoflavones are flavonoids and are the main components of soybean extract, that is to say, soybean isoflavones are effective monomers in this component of soybean extract.

The therapeutic effect of soybean extract

1. Improve menstrual discomfort: Menstrual discomfort is often related to the imbalance of estrogen secretion. The two-way regulating effect of soybean extract can maintain normal estrogen levels and achieve the purpose of improving menstrual discomfort.

2. Delay menopause and delay menopause symptoms: Scientific research has proved that everything that occurs in women’s menopause is due to the decline of egg function, the reduction of female hormones, and the inability to enter the blood into the blood to participate in various physiological processes. Soybean extract can bind to estrogen receptors on the surface of various body systems, organs and tissues, and exert effects to delay the arrival of menopause, improve the quality of life of women in menopause, and prevent and treat short-term and long-term diseases related to menopause.

3. Prevention of osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is a common metabolic bone disease, common in menopausal women, and its incidence is 6-10 times that of men of the same age. Supplementing soybean extract in a timely manner can prevent bone loss in postmenopausal women, maintain bone mass in the lumbar spine, hips, front buttocks, etc., and can reduce the risk of fractures in various parts of the body by 50%.

4. Anti-aging: Long-term supplementation of soybean extract can prevent premature ovarian function decline in women, thereby delaying the arrival of menopause and delaying aging.

5. Improve skin quality: The estrogen-like effect and antioxidant effect of soybean extract can make women’s skin smooth, delicate, smooth and elastic. At the same time, soybean extract can change the distribution of body fat, promote subcutaneous fat deposition, remove “floating meat”, and make the breast firm and full.

6. Improve postpartum mental disorders: Some women have autonomic dysfunction due to fluctuations in hormone levels after childbirth. Soybean extract can timely supplement the lack of hormones and prevent postpartum depression.

7. Improve the quality of sexual life: The estrogen-like effect of soybean extract can increase vaginal secretions and enhance the elasticity of vaginal muscles, thereby improving the quality of sexual life.

8. Prevention of cardiovascular disease: soybean extract can effectively reduce the concentration of low-density lipoprotein in the blood, increase the concentration of high-density lipoprotein, prevent the formation of atherosclerosis, and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease.

9. Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease: Among the patients with Alzheimer’s disease, women are about three times more than male patients. Studies have shown that supplementing soybean extract can reduce blood concentration and prevent specific types of proteins from precipitating in the brain, which can effectively prevent Alzheimer’s disease .

Post time: May-10-2022